Rio de Janeiro是什么意思

导读 【#Rio de Janeiro是什么意思#】是里约热内卢的意思。 Rio de Janeiro [英][ˈri(:)əudədʒəˈniərəu][美][ˈriodeʒəˈnɛro,...
【#Rio de Janeiro是什么意思#】

是里约热内卢的意思。 Rio de Janeiro [英][ˈri(:)əudədʒəˈniərəu][美][ˈriodeʒəˈnɛro, di-, ˈriʊdɪʒɪˈnerʊ] 里约热内卢(巴西港市,州名); Reaffirming the outcome document, entitled “ the future we want ”, of the united nations conference on sustainable...

Rio de Janeiro [英][ˈri(:)əudədʒəˈniərəu][美][ˈriodeʒəˈnɛro, di-, ˈriʊdɪʒɪˈnerʊ] 里约热内卢(巴西港市,州名); 例句: 1. Will they be similarly successful in rio de janeiro in 2016? 这些国家在2016年里约热内卢奥运上还会如此成功吗? . ----------------------------...

Rio de Janeiro [英][ˈri(:)əudədʒəˈniərəu][美][ˈriodeʒəˈnɛro, di-, ˈriʊdɪʒɪˈnerʊ] 里约热内卢(巴西港市,州名); Reaffirming the outcome document, entitled “ the future we want ”, of the united nations conference on sustainable developmen...

Rio de Janeiro [英][ˈri(:)əudədʒəˈniərəu][美][ˈriodeʒəˈnɛro, di-, ˈriʊdɪʒɪˈnerʊ]

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