如何卸载windows search

导读 【#如何卸载windows search#】Windows Search4.0 安装非常容易,但是卸载却让人费解,因为任何地方都找不到Uninstall的地方,后来发现,...
【#如何卸载windows search#】

Windows Search4.0 安装非常容易,但是卸载却让人费解,因为任何地方都找不到Uninstall的地方,后来发现,通过注册表可以找到卸载的方法,具体操作如下:

1.打开注册表,查找“Windows Search”关键字

2.你会在Windows Search的关键字的下面会找到一个"REG_SZ"类型的值,是:UninstallString,打开它并将里面的字符串复制到运行中去执行就可以顺利删除这个软件了



In October last year, I posted an article on how to remove Windows Desktop Search from an XP machine after it had been unhelpfully installed as a mandatory upgrade. The world has moved on since then and version 3 of Windows Desktop Search has been replaced by version 4, which is now called Windows Search. This means the name of the uninstall folder has changed and the information in that post is becoming ever more out of date. As it still accounts for 80% of the traffic to my site, I figured it was time for an update.

If you have version 3 of Windows Desktop Search and want to remove it, please refer to the old post. If you have version 4, read on. If you are unsure which one you have, press the windows key and F together to start up the application and look at the image that appears toward the top right of the window. If it says “Windows Desktop Search”, then you have version 3. If it says “Windows Search”, then you have version 4.

Windows Desktop Search (version 3)

Windows Search (version 4)

To remove Windows Search version 4 from XP, try the following steps:

Start by running up Add & Remove Programs from the control panel and look for Windows Desktop Search in the list. Unlike with version 3, Windows Search v4 should be there.

If not, open a cmd window (click on Start, then “Run..” and type cmd in the Run dialogue that then appears). Then copy and paste the following line into the cmd window:

%systemroot%\$NtUninstallKB940157$\spuninst\spuninst.exeIf that also fails and you get a “The system cannot find the path specified.” error, then I have zipped up a copy that you can download from here. To work out where to extract it to, type:

echo %systemroot%into your cmd window and note the location it points to (it is likely to be C:\Windows, but may not be if you upgraded to XP for Windows 2000 for example). Open the zip file, and extract the $NtUninstallKB940157$ to this location. Now repeat step 2.

Update: Thanks to “Derek” for pointing out to me that I’d missed the “bleedin’ obvious”, ie that v4 can be removed via “Add Remove Programs”. I’ve added this as step 1 as a consequence. Steps 2 and 3 are likely redundant, but I’ve left them in for completeness.

中文意思:1.首先要知道自己装的是第三版还是第四版,区别方法是:打开windows search看右上角写的如果是“Windows Desktop Search”, 是第三版,若写着“Windows Search”, 则说明你装的是第四版。


3.在“添加\删除程序”中找到“Windows Desktop Search”, 把它删掉,如果没有进行下面的操作。


5.如果这个还是不行,你会得到“The system cannot find the path specified.” 的错误提示,这时你可以在指令窗口中运行“%systemroot%”指令,看会景区到什么地方,一般会在C:\Windows里面这时候再找到$NtUninstallKB940157$\spuninst\spuninst.exe重复步骤4。


【#如何卸载windows search#】到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助。



