
导读 【#2013英国达人秀冠军Attraction决赛表演:超赞创意惊艳全英#】1、They have just become the most popular people in Hungary ...

1、They have just become the most popular people in Hungary – not to mention Britain. 他们刚刚成为匈牙利最受欢迎的人更不用说在英国了。

2、But Britain’s Got Talent winners Attraction revealed that they had been shunned by their home country for years as they struggled for success. 但是2013年英国达人秀的冠军Attraction舞团则透露,他们为了获得成功已经离家好多年了。

3、Despite nearly a decade of performing, hardly any of their fellow Hungarians knew their names until they won the ITV competition. 近十年的表演,几乎没有其他匈牙利伙伴们知道他们的名字,直到他们获得英国独立电视台选秀节目的冠军。

4、Attraction’s eight dancers were crowned the Britain’s Got Talent winners with a moving performance that took in tributes to the Queen, Winston Churchill and the London Olympics, ending with an impressive lion finale.决赛中,Attraction舞团的8位舞者用一段感人的表演致敬英国女皇、温斯顿·丘吉尔以及伦敦奥运会,并以显赫的狮子形象结束了整场表演,摘得今年英国达人秀的桂冠。

5、Their leader Zoltan Szucs said: ‘I think it was a good final performance. It was dedicated to the British public.’领袖佐尔坦表示:这是段精彩的决赛表演,献给英国民众。


