
导读 【#出席用英文怎么说#】1、出席的英文:attendbe present2、参考例句:scant attendance稀少的出席者An attendance monitor检查学生出...

1、出席的英文:attendbe present

2、参考例句:scant attendance稀少的出席者An attendance monitor检查学生出席情况的班长In the evening the President met with the Executive Committee.这天傍晚,总统出席了执行委员会会议。Thirty-four members and nineteen alternate members of the Central Committee were present.出席的有中央委员三十四人,候补中央委员十九人。 The archbishop attended the dedication of the new church. 主教出席了奉献新教堂的典礼。 I feel highly honored to be invited to the state banquet.我对受邀出席国宴感到荣幸之至。He represented his fellow-workers at the union meeting.他代表工友们出席工会会议。Attendance: All the members of the Teaching and Research Section except Ms Wang ping (on sick leave)出席者:教研室全体教师除王萍请病假.Michael Jackson was a no-show; we were so disappointed."迈克尔·杰克逊黄牛了,不能如约出席;我们非常的失望。"Folios will be prepared for each attendee and left by their namecards on the conference table.会场会替每位出席者准备文件夹,跟名牌一起摆在会议桌上。 attend是什么意思:v. 出席,参加;上(大学等);照料;致力于;伴随Attendance is obligatory. 出席是必须的。in attendance on a person随侍 [服侍] 某人 Everybody consciously attends to things and everything is attended to人人自觉管,事事有人管。May good fortune attend you!祝你鸿运当头!Few students attended the meeting.没几个学生出席会议。present是什么意思:adj. 目前的,现在的;出席的,在场的;现在时态的v. 赠送;提出;介绍;举枪瞄准;呈现n. 礼物;现在There is at present uncertainty regarding the hazard to health presented by crocidolite.目前,青石棉对健康的危害尚不清楚。Some diseases are presented by heredity.有些疾病是由于遗传导致的。should alternately present as undulate . 激情平淡应呈波浪形交替出现。A verb form in the present tense.现在时态的动词形式 give away; make a present of赠送 到小D查看出席的英文翻译>>



